How to // Comment
Best settings for Chrome // Les meilleurs paramètres de Chrome


[Windows] Best settings for Chrome

1. Open Chrome and go to chrome://settings
2. Enable "Show home button" + set as "custom address"
3. Click on "On Startup" -> "Continue where you left off"
4. Click on "Advanced" text
5. Enable "Privacy and security" -> "Send a Do Not Track request with your browsing traffic"
6. Enable "Downloads" -> "Ask where to save each file before downloading"
7. Enable "System" -> "Use hardware acceleration when available"
8. Install following extensions

How to

[How to] Les meilleurs paramètres de Chrome

1. Ouvrez Chrome et accédez à chrome://settings
2. Activer "Show home button" + définissez comme "custom address"
3. Cliquez sur "On Startup" -> "Continue where you left off"
4. Cliquez sur "Advanced" text
5. Activer "Privacy and security" -> "Send a Do Not Track request with your browsing traffic"
6. Activer "Downloads" -> "Ask where to save each file before downloading"
7. Activer "System" -> "Use hardware acceleration when available"
8. Installer les extensions suivantes